Infertility: Causes, Risks, And Treatment

If your partner does not get pregnant after you have tried for 1 year, you may have male infertility. Other causes include high blood pressure, high cholesterol, blood clots, swollen or twisted veins, diabetes, heart disease, kidney failure, and cancer. An example of a problem that can cause infertility is the lack of blood flow to the ovaries due to high cholesterol levels in the blood. Medication and surgery can correct many of the causes of infertility and allow you and your partner to conceive naturally. Drugs can treat infertility if they are based on other medical problems that damage sperm development. Your health care provider will test you or your partner to determine the cause of your infertility. Best Fertility Center In India Your doctor may suggest correcting other physical defects, such as a blocked sperm passage in the penis, a lack of sperm flow to the vagina, or a problem with sperm maturity. If your doctor cannot find the cause of your infertility or treat it with...